Roy Two Thousand is a cinematographer and musician from the San Francisco Bay Area who explores the energetic nature of being through sound and visual elements.  By pairing film and timelapse photography with original music compositions, he creates multimedia experiences that amplify natural acts of transcendental motion, and provide an immersive portal to a creative world inspiring love and light, community and compassion, and hope for the future. His work has appeared in Oprah’s Belief series as well as Genius by Stephen Hawking.

His lyrical short documentary, Lake of Dreams, received a Vimeo Staff Pick and over a million plays in under a year. An updated version of Lake Of Dreams was featured in the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery as a video projection installation.  The exhibition titled ‘No Spectators, The Art of Burning Man’ opens in the Cincinnati Art Museum in April 2019 and The Oakland Museum in October of 2o19.


As an educator and artist Roy is passionate about creating immersive narratives that bring an experience to life and inspire empathy while dissolving barriers to understanding. Wisdom of the heart and knowledge of the mind join with a passion for technology and pushing the boundaries of what can be. 

From building the hyperlapse robot used to capture the moving timelapses in Lake of Dreams, to challenging his students to think “Beyond the Screen,” Roy creates tools for the imagination and translates technology and the technical challenges of production into an adventure into the imagination.  


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